Lyra Level 1
Sundays 3/2-4/13, 5-6PM w/ Sarah Shellem. 4/20
Welcome to the fun world of circular apparatuses! Students will be introduced to moving through poses with grace and ease while gaining strength and control. Each class consists of a warm up, conditioning/strength training, Lyra movement vocabulary and ending with stretching. We will also dabble in the art of spinning, which is what Lyra is famous for. No experience necessary!
Focus: Introduction to basic lyra skills; mounting, dismounting, skills and strength building.
Lyra Height: Chest height
Sample Skills: Side Saddle Mount, Tip back Mount, One Leg Mermaid, Lion in the Tree, Mermaid, Twisted Mermaid, Amazon, Lady in the Moon, Gazelle, Man in the Moon, Splits under the bar, Pencil Balance, Side Christ Hang, Sacrum Hang, Birds Nest, Angels
Requirements to move to Level 2:
Safely mount and dismount the lyra
Must be able to move comfortably through beginner sequences of 5 skills
Must be able to hang from knees for a 5 count
Must be able to hold a tuck for a 2 count
Our adult classes start at age 14.
If the session is sold out - please send us an email so we can get another section open for registration or put you on the waitlist! Email
Sundays 3/2-4/13, 5-6PM w/ Sarah Shellem. 4/20
Welcome to the fun world of circular apparatuses! Students will be introduced to moving through poses with grace and ease while gaining strength and control. Each class consists of a warm up, conditioning/strength training, Lyra movement vocabulary and ending with stretching. We will also dabble in the art of spinning, which is what Lyra is famous for. No experience necessary!
Focus: Introduction to basic lyra skills; mounting, dismounting, skills and strength building.
Lyra Height: Chest height
Sample Skills: Side Saddle Mount, Tip back Mount, One Leg Mermaid, Lion in the Tree, Mermaid, Twisted Mermaid, Amazon, Lady in the Moon, Gazelle, Man in the Moon, Splits under the bar, Pencil Balance, Side Christ Hang, Sacrum Hang, Birds Nest, Angels
Requirements to move to Level 2:
Safely mount and dismount the lyra
Must be able to move comfortably through beginner sequences of 5 skills
Must be able to hang from knees for a 5 count
Must be able to hold a tuck for a 2 count
Our adult classes start at age 14.
If the session is sold out - please send us an email so we can get another section open for registration or put you on the waitlist! Email
Sundays 3/2-4/13, 5-6PM w/ Sarah Shellem. 4/20
Welcome to the fun world of circular apparatuses! Students will be introduced to moving through poses with grace and ease while gaining strength and control. Each class consists of a warm up, conditioning/strength training, Lyra movement vocabulary and ending with stretching. We will also dabble in the art of spinning, which is what Lyra is famous for. No experience necessary!
Focus: Introduction to basic lyra skills; mounting, dismounting, skills and strength building.
Lyra Height: Chest height
Sample Skills: Side Saddle Mount, Tip back Mount, One Leg Mermaid, Lion in the Tree, Mermaid, Twisted Mermaid, Amazon, Lady in the Moon, Gazelle, Man in the Moon, Splits under the bar, Pencil Balance, Side Christ Hang, Sacrum Hang, Birds Nest, Angels
Requirements to move to Level 2:
Safely mount and dismount the lyra
Must be able to move comfortably through beginner sequences of 5 skills
Must be able to hang from knees for a 5 count
Must be able to hold a tuck for a 2 count
Our adult classes start at age 14.
If the session is sold out - please send us an email so we can get another section open for registration or put you on the waitlist! Email